About PSC Meeting Finder

Shawn Dorius
Supervisor and Project Manager
Cass Dorius
Supervisor and Project Manager
Masoud Nosrati
Software Architect and Developer


The PSC Meeting Finder is a web application that allows viewers to find meetings tailored to their specific needs by letting them select their preferred type of meeting, their preferred location, and the times that work best for them.

Under the hood

Under the hood, the PSC Meetings Finder Tool is a data pipelining system that fetches the information of the 13 different types of recovery meetings from their original sources, and integrates them into a state map. This system is composed of four major logical components:

  1. Automated robots that oversee and ‘scrape’ the peer-support websites for daily updates
  2. Database infrastructure
  3. Web server infrastructure
  4. PSC Meeting Finder web-based application

There are two types of automated program robots, called ‘bots’, utilized in this system: commander bots and scraper bots. The commander bot is in charge of running and logging the scraper bots, and reports to the system administrator when a scraper bot is unsuccessful. A scraper bot is in charge of scrapping the original listing websites, and populating the database with the cleaned data. The original listings might be unstructured and contain dirty data. It is the scraper bot’s duty to make sure that the data that is inserted into the database is clean and structured. These data are then pulled into the users’ browser by the PSC meeting finder application.


Recovery meetings data are gathered and cleaned from thirteen web-based resources via our data pipeline system. Most of these resources utilize web scraping techniques. The following table identifies the name of the meeting and their resources.

NoMeeting typeSource
1Adult Children of Alcoholicshttps://adultchildren.org/
3Alcoholics Anonymoushttps://www.aa-iowa.org/
4Buddhist recoveryhttps://www.buddhistrecovery.org/
5Celebrate Recoveryhttps://locator.crgroups.info/
7Crystal Meth Anonymoushttps://www.crystalmeth.org/
8Dual Recovery Anonymoushttp://draonline.qwknetllc.com/
10Narcotics Anonymoushttps://www.na-iowa.org/
11Pill Anonymoushttps://www.pillsanonymous.org/
12Recovery Community Centershttps://recoverfullcircle.org/
13Refuge Recoveryhttps://refugerecovery.org/
14SMART Recoveryhttps://www.smartrecoverytest.org/

Embedding in your website

For embedding meeting finder in your website, you can use the following code:

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